Risk Management from Lockton | CNA

An established insurance partner providing innovative insurance solutions: Formed in 1987 as an affiliate of Lockton Companies, Lockton Affinity has been shaking up the insurance space to underwrite, distribute and service specialty insurance products that fall outside standard markets. Lockton strives to make an impact for our clients, partners and customers, and it works. Lockton is the CBA's trusted administrator for CNA.

CNA is the nation's leading provider of Lawyers Professional Liability (LPL) coverage – insuring more than 50,000 law firms and 155,000 lawyers nationwide. The CBA is proud to work with CNA as the bar-endorsed LPL insurer. They're also endorsed by the Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania state bars, as well as other city and county bar associations.

Licensed Legal Paraprofessionals Risk Management

It’s Not Goodbye, Just Until We Meet Again: Declining Representation with Prospective Clients
As with attorneys, Licensed Legal Paraprofessionals are likely to be approached by many prospective clients, and they will need to be mindful of prospective clients versus current clients and former clients. When approached by a prospective client, the LLPs should be careful not to create an unintended representation or give “legal advice” in their interactions. We have created this publication on declining representation.

Are You Ready to Commit? Client Intake and Proper Client Selection
Once the LLPs have decided to take on the client representation, CNA has a resource on client intake.

Conflicts of Interest
Part of the intake process will involve assessing any potential conflicts of interest. For this, CNA has a publication on addressing conflicts.

The Lawyers’ Toolkit 5.0: A Guide to Managing the Attorney-Client Relationship
CNA is all about engagement agreements and the toolkit includes sample language for a Family Law practitioner that may be modified for the LLPs in their representations. LLPs will want to talk with the clients about what they may and may not do for them within their licensure. And, of course, document it in an engagement agreement. This is CNA’s most popular resource.

Professional Liability Fact Sheet on Family Law
An overview of the area of practice and risk control tips.

Other Resources from Lockton | CNA

Insurance Trends and Solutions
The experts at Lockton provide a blog on the latest insurance trends and solutions.