Strategies For Preparing For Oral Argument

When:  Jan 24, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (MT)
Strategies For Preparing For Oral Argument
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Via Zoom
In this lunch and learn session, Nelson Boyle will discuss strategies for preparing for oral argument before appellate and trial courts. He will detail ways in which he has prepared for both complex (multiple-issue) arguments in appellate courts and for less-intense single-issue arguments. Boyle will discuss the use of brainstorm sessions and mock arguments to target issues for which the judge or panel may have concerns. Boyle will also demonstrate how he distills key record cites, key case cites, and key topics onto the 2-pages he takes to the podium in appellate arguments.  
Nelson Boyle  
Free- Litigation Section Members
$10.00- Non Section Members
Applied for 1 General Credit


Denver, CO