Drafting IP Licensing Agreements: Business Document Drafting Series

When:  May 8, 2024 from 08:00 AM to 09:40 AM (MT)
Learn the nuts and bolts of licensing agreements- what they do, common clauses and terms, pitfalls, and things to look for when reviewing a licensing agreement. Our speakers will walk you through the basic scaffolding of a licensing agreement and highlight areas where additional terms and clauses may be required depending on the complexity of the subject matter of the agreement.  
CBA-CLE will email webinar access information 24-48 hours before the program.
Home studies will be available 2-3 weeks following the live program.
CBA-CLE is committed to providing access, equal opportunity, and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, and employment. To request an accommodation (e.g., American Sign Language Interpreters; Communication Access Realtime Translation, etc.), please contact clereception@cobar.org at least 14 business days in advance.
The program is accredited in Colorado. CBA-CLE staff can provide a Uniform Certificate of Attendance, and it is the attendee's responsibility to complete the accreditation outside of Colorado.


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