Best Practices and Ethics in the Profession - Webcast

When:  Jun 25, 2020
June 2020
Best Practices and Ethics in the Profession
Sponsored by the Colorado Bar Association Lawyers' Professional Liability Committee and Co-Sponsored by Lockton Affinity, the Colorado Bar Insurance Program
The first 20 people to register for the program by phone, fax or online, will receive the $100 discount, courtesy of Lockton Affinity, the Colorado Bar Insurance Program.Use promo code LOCKTON2020 if you call, fax or register online.
Program Description:
Your experienced faculty will provide you with knowledge and tips that will enhance your daily practice. You will learn what the best tools are to avoid the latest ethical pitfalls, while earning 6 ethics credits!
- Are you prepared to deal with the reality of cyber threats?
- Do you know what questions to ask when purchasing a professional liability insurance policy?
- How will the new CRPC 8.4(i) be implemented and enforced?
- What trends are we seeing locally and nationally when it comes to lawyer malpractice?
- What ethics rules need to be top-of-mind when working remotely?
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Home Study Purchases: Please note that all homestudies will be available approximately 2 weeks after the date of the LIVE program.                


Webcasts - live from your computer
Denver, CO