Written By: Michael L. Goldblatt
The recent modernization of the American Bar Association’s model rules on lawyer advertising give a boost to marketing activities by firms of all sizes. Although it may take years for state regulators to adopt the new ABA rules, many marketing activities are already permitted. For example, firms commonly use electronic marketing tools like online directories and websites. Many firms also use printed marketing materials like business cards and firm brochures. This article explains how solo lawyers and small firms can create an affordable brochure to attract new clients and offer additional services to existing clients. The tables accompanying the article provide cost details and links to samples and online providers.
Depending on your firm’s client base and marketing budget, your brochure can be a one-page document or a multi-page booklet. Brochures typically describe the firm, its lawyers, and their practice areas. A well-designed brochure focuses on client needs and communicates a professional image. It is important for the brochure to “sell” the firm’s services to clients and prospects without becoming an offensive self-promotion piece.
Brochures make a lasting impression on prospective clients and inform existing clients about additional services to consider. They can be displayed in your firm’s reception area, posted at your firm’s website, handed out at initial consultations, placed on handout tables at seminars, and mailed to clients and prospects by U.S. Mail and email. Keep several copies in your briefcase to share when meeting with clients, prospects, and referral sources.
The cost of creating a brochure includes non-billable writing time and out-of-pocket expense. For example, 100 copies of a double-sided, one page, full-color, brochure could cost about $85 to photocopy or $135 to print. Using a professional designer can add approximately $200 to $600, but the added cost helps assure high-quality results. See Table 1 for a sample budget.
At a minimum, your brochure should contain a list of attorneys, practice areas, and contact information. It is also helpful to include office hours, location maps, parking information, biographical details, and special accomplishments. Add a mission statement to tell your firm’s story and how it can help solve legal problems.
Brochures can be created with the assistance of a graphic designer or with do-it-yourself templates available from Apple Pages, Microsoft Word, and Google Search. The best results come from using an experienced designer who can help you create a professional looking brochure appropriate for your practice. Ask a printing provider to recommend a designer or check online directories. See Table 2 for links to sample brochures used by several solos and small firms.
Brochures can be photocopied or printed at print shops and office supply stores. Although photocopying is less expensive, a professionally printed brochure makes a better impression. Order more copies than needed for your initial distribution to allow for additional uses. Create a PDF of the brochure to make it handy for attaching to emails and downloading at your firm website. See Table 3 for links to online providers.
As with all marketing activities, check your state regulator to confirm that your brochure complies with ethical rules and that your intended use is permitted. For example, some states require that words like “advertisement” be inserted onto a brochure (this requirement was recently eliminated from the ABA’s model rules on lawyer advertising). Also, some states require brochures be placed on handout tables or e-mailed after a seminar instead of personally giving them to attendees.
For design tips for your brochure, read Chapter 5 of the ABA’s Lawyer’s Guide to Marketing Your Practice. For information about other marketing strategies and tactics, see the ABA’s books on How to Capture and Keep Clients, Marketing Success, and Smart Marketing for the Small Firm Lawyer. Also see the articles archived at websites maintained by the ABA’s Law Practice Division, the ABA’s Center for Professional Responsibility, and the ABA’s General Practice Section.
Brochures are one of many printed and electronic tools available to attract new clients and develop work from existing ones. They can be created digitally as a PDF for emails and websites, and printed for handing out to prospects, clients, and referral sources. A brochure can be shared with others and read in the home, office, or while commuting on a bus, train, or carpool. Use the resources mentioned in this article to create an attractive brochure to help you stand out from your competitors.
Table 1
Budget to Duplicate Color Brochure
Description |
Photocopied |
Printed |
Printing |
$75 |
$125 |
Folding |
$10 |
$10 |
Total |
$85 |
$135 |
Assumptions: Brochure is duplicated front and back with glossy finish on letter-size paper using 100-lb premium paper and then tri-folded. Using a professional designer can add approximately $200 to $600. |
~Michael Goldblatt
Mr. Goldblatt has authored numerous books and articles about marketing for lawyers.