Working from Home Safely: Cybersecurity & Ethical Considerations - Webinar

When:  Aug 14, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (MT)
When working from home, many lawyers and staff use home PCs and save client documents/data on those computers. Although undeniably convenient, we, as legal professionals, remain responsible for producing quality work while maintaining client confidences. In this webinar, we will discuss the ethical and malpractice pitfalls of working remotely and how to address them, including Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1 (competence), 1.6 (confidentiality of information), 5.1 (managing subordinate attorneys), and 5.3 (managing non-lawyer assistants), along with their respective comments. We will also discuss the need for full disk encryption, email encryption, home wireless router security, Windows updates, antivirus/malware, cloud options, and how to tighten security when using Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, or Google Drive. While this may sound overwhelming, there are many things you can do right away that are free, or next to free, that will make a big impact!
CBA-CLE and CBA have partnered with Affinity Consulting Group to bring free law practice management and technology-related resources to members and passholders. Affinity Consulting Group specializes in strategic technology and management solutions for law firms and legal departments of all sizes. Find out more about the Law Practice Management resources, access past webinars, and sign up for upcoming webinars.
CBA-CLE will email webinar access information to registrants 24-48 hours before the program.
Home studies will be available approximately 2-3 weeks following the live program.
If disability accommodations or special assistance are needed, please contact us at Requests must be made at least two weeks prior to the scheduled program.
The program will be submitted for CLE accreditation in Colorado. If you need to seek accreditation in another state, please review the process and requirements for that individual state. CBA-CLE staff can provide a Uniform Certificate of Attendance, and it is the attendee’s responsibility to complete the accreditation outside of Colorado.


Live From Your Computer, CO