Raising the Bar: New Colorado Attorney Risk Control Program

When:  Mar 25, 2021
If you are having any issue registering, please email Katie Roberts at knull@cobar.org
Launching a legal career is an exciting time for newly licensed attorneys that are finally able to take on client representations. With that exciting step comes exposure to legal malpractice allegations. Join CNA’s Lawyers’ Professional Liability Risk Control team in discussing legal malpractice risk mitigation in the daily practice of law. While working to build a book of business, new practitioners should also identify and address how to protect their clients and law practice.

Part One of the New Colorado Attorney Risk Control Program discusses Client Intake, Engagement Letters, Termination of Representation, Managing Financials and your LPL Policy. In addition to learning risk avoidance techniques in legal practice, newly licensed attorneys may be eligible for a large premium discount for their first year of practice.


Denver, CO